
As an appraiser

We assist you in proper notification of your intent to demand appraisal to resolve your claim. We ensure all correspondence remain professional, timely, and comply with local laws and regulations. We perform a detailed inspection of all damaged property. We complete an estimate for the cost of repairs using Xactimate, an industry standard software program. We’ll meet with the other selected appraiser, complete a detailed analysis of differences and begin working toward a resolution. Once an agreement is reached, we will send written notice to all. In the unlikely event a resolution cannot be reached, we will present our position to the panel umpire for a final decision.

As an umpire

We will send written acceptance of our selection as the panel umpire. We work to keep the process moving forward in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. As an umpire, we will request that both appraisers submit their estimates for review. Once received, we complete a thorough analysis of both estimates/positions. We will inspect the damaged property as necessary. We will facilitate continued negotiations between appraisers. Ultimately, as the umpire, we will move the process to a conclusion. Once the decision is rendered, we will forward results in writing to all parties.

As a consultant

We offer a wide range of consulting services; let us share over three decades of experience in homeowners insurance claims with you. Whether you’re an insurance company representative or homeowner, we can help you.

Topics include:

  • Homeowners insurance
  • Condominium insurance
  • Renters Insurance
  • Department of Insurance (DOI) regulations
  • Alternative dispute resolution